Organic Potash Fertilizer
TRIPURA POTASH Contains multiple organic
compounds (proteino-lacto-gluconates) based chelated @ K₂O along with
Amino acids & Organic Carbon.
DOSAGE of Granulated Fertilizer: 25Kgs/acre (depending on the crop )
Dosage will vary as per soil health & Agro climatic conditions.
Granules: 25Kg Pack.
For soil application, this formulation coated/ mixed on granulated carrier material (Enriched Nutritional Mycelium Granules)
DOSAGE of Water Soluble Liquid Fertilizer:
1) Foliar Application: 3-4ml /litre of water.
2) Drip Application: 0.25-0.50ml / litre of water.
3) Fertigation: 1.00-1.50ml / litre of water.
- It promotes growth of green leaves and reduces the intensity of Chlorosis.
- It promotes Photosynthesis, this leads to the promotion of carbohydrates, oil fats & proteins.
- It increases the ability of plants to withstand stress such as attack of pests, diseases and drought.
- It increases the water absorption & water holding capacity.
- It helps in fruit formation, quality of fruits and seeds.
DOSAGE of Granulated Fertilizer: 25Kgs/acre (depending on the crop )
Dosage will vary as per soil health & Agro climatic conditions.
Granules: 25Kg Pack.
For soil application, this formulation coated/ mixed on granulated carrier material (Enriched Nutritional Mycelium Granules)
DOSAGE of Water Soluble Liquid Fertilizer:
1) Foliar Application: 3-4ml /litre of water.
2) Drip Application: 0.25-0.50ml / litre of water.
3) Fertigation: 1.00-1.50ml / litre of water.